Latest News

Check out our photos!
We are a parish with a strong sense of community.  We are joyful and friendly... warm and...
Sacramental Prep1
Sacramental Prep
Information for Parishioners who wish to register their child for the Sacraments of First Holy Communion and Confirmation...
Blessed Sacrament1
Adoration Chapel New Schedule
Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament (In the Chapel): Beginning February 2, 2025, our Adoration Chapel will be open...
Certificate RE-issuance Form
Parishioners who wish to get a copy of their Marriage, Baptism, Confirmation, and/or First Holy Communion Certificate...
Coat of Arms of Frank Cardinal Leo
Cardinal Leo Writes to Federal Government on Issues of Deep Concern
In recent days, Frank Cardinal Leo has sent two letters to cabinet ministers in the federal government to...
Jubilee St. Barnabas News Thumbnail
Year of Jubilee Launch and Mass of Thanksgiving – St. Barnabas Parish, Scarborough
On Wednesday, February 19, more than 1,200 Catholics from the Eastern Pastoral Region gathered at St. Barnabas...

Visit Us
3216 Lawrence Avenue East
Scarborough, ON
M1H 1A4

Office/Mailing Address
3216 Lawrence Avenue East
Scarborough, ON
M1H 1A4

t:  416.438.6729

Rev. Vijai Amirtharaj CSC

Rev. Sojan Augustine Athickal CSC
Associate Pastor

Parish Staff
Delaila Paes

Chona Sto Tomas
Office Assistant

Henry Lapar

Rutchie De La Cruz

Fr Vijay Rollup.
Pastor's Corner
Greetings! Here you will find information, news, and messages from our beloved Pastor, Father Vijai Amirtharaj, CSC. Stay connected and engaged with our community!
Dear Parishioners
Photo Gallery
“Photographs open doors into the past, but they also allow a look into the future.” – Sally Mann
View our Photos
Planned Giving1
Bequest to Parishes
A bequest in your Will to our Church is an acknowledgment of your returning to God a portion of the gifts He has bestowed on you during your lifetime. Charitable bequests can have a favourable impact on your overall estate plan. Bequests are NOT just for the wealthy! Consider including your parish or any of the archdiocesan charities or departments in your Will. Let your Will reflect your Catholic values. We have a free estate planning guide to help you make your plan. The Archdiocese of Toronto also maintains a list of advisors across the GTA who are available to assist in your estate planning and the preparation of a Will. Please contact us at for a list of Catholic estate advisors in your area. Remember about the importance of using the correct legal names when arranging bequests or other planned gifts.
More Info

Donate to the Community
Volunteer your time, talent and treasure to the catholic community both at the parish level and our larger community. Take a look at the various opportunities to support below.
Donate your Time
Giving Your Time To Others not only benefits those around us but also has a profound impact on our own lives. When we give our time to others, we unlock a world of benefits that can lead to personal growth, meaningful connections, and happiness.
Donate your Talent
Everybody is born with innate skills that can only be beneficial to the world if shared. Unlike sharing a gift, sharing talents with others can be more impactful for the long term, not to mention it comes with an immeasurable sense of pride, joy, and fulfillment. As long as you know what your talent is, you can use it in numerous ways to bless others.
Make an Online Donation
As non-profit organizations, churches rely on donations to stay operational. Tithes and offerings usually play a key role in sustaining churches and making it possible for them to carry out their ministries and support their staff.

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